EAM AFT plug in meeting

30/3-023 (CERN)



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Short summary:

  • The proposed linking workflow is
    • For now limited to the case where entries exist in EAM and AFT
    • A 1:N mapping (1 logbook entry : N AFT entries) as this would also enable future integrations
      • Links to different logbooks are allowed though in AFT
    • EAM would own linking between the logbooks eventually, by setting both the EAMàAFT and AFTàEAM link
      • It would check beforehand whether a link already exists and notify the user to change it
      • AFT would grey out the option to link to EAM
  • To guide the user, an adequate time window of AFT faults is suggested (either on date of creation or event date) and based on the logbook a set of AFT systems is suggested (e.g. CV logbook only suggests Cooling and Ventilation categories)
    • A mapping of systems is attached. Note that it resolves all sub-systems, but normally only the top-level system is applicable for the filtering
  • The AFT APIs are mostly ready for this (Anti shared the link with Ricardo). Proper authentication via service accounts has to be ensured, but should be no show-stopper.
  • At the next EAM to AFT integration meeting the proposal is presented to the equipment groups/TIOC with a timeline proposal of having it ready during the YETS. Ricardo would be ok to prepare a little demo when given enough notice. If it is being agreed and no unexpected complexities arise, it may be test-able before the YETS.
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