10–12 Dec 2024
Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa
Europe/Zurich timezone

Time spent on interventions by equipment experts/piquets (15'+10')

12 Dec 2024, 11:30
Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa

Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa

Av. Claude Nobs 7 1820 Montreux Suisse


Kostas Papastergiou (CERN)


How much time do equipment experts and piquets spend on remote and local interventions?
Is there sufficient data available across the groups to do this analysis?
What kind of data exists across the groups (what is logged?) and what would be needed in addition to extend the analysis?
Can we quantify the potential gain from automating remote interventions?
Can we differentiate between simple local interventions and more complex ones? Can this information be included in AFT or any other centralised tracking tool?
What standards are in place to detail and document interventions in the different groups? What are the similarities and differences?

Presentation materials