CERN 70th Anniversary - Japanese Particle and Nuclear Physics Research in Collider Experiments at CERN

Hokkaido, Japan

Hokkaido, Japan


2024 79th Physical Society of Japan Annual Meeting

All the talks are given in Japanease.

  1. Introduction (M. Tomoto, 5min)
  2. From LEP to LHC:Verification of SM and beyond (T. Kobayashi, 25min)
  3. Acheimvents of LHC-ATLAS: Attraction and Impact of Energy Frontier Physics (Y. Okumura, 25min)
  4. Lepton Measurement at LHC/ALICE and Approach to Origin of Hadronic Mass (K. Shigaki, 25min)
  5. Towards the complete understanding partonic matter through jet and photon measurements at LHC/ALICE (T. Chujo, 25min)
  6. Theoretical exploration for physics beyond the standard model (J. Hisano, 25min)
  7. Endeavors to realization of HL-LHC and expectation to exploring frontiers (H. Oide, 25min)
  8. World's Next-Generation Collider Experiments: Dream Beyond the HL-LHC (K. Yorita, 25min)
  9. Closing Remarks (J. Tanaka 5min)
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