27–29 Nov 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Design study of the ISRS CCT Magnet Demonstrator MAGDEM

27 Nov 2024, 18:21
61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room - (CERN)

61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -


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Poster (In person) Poster session


Mr Carlos Alejandro Gonzales Cordero (University of Huelva (ES))


The ISOLDE Superconducting Recoil Separator (ISRS) at CERN [1-3] is a high-resolution spectrometer for analysing the heavy fragments produced in reactions induced by ISOLDE's exotic beams. ISRS design is based on a compact FFAG particle storage ring composed of short straight multifunction superconducting magnets able to accommodate a wide range of momentum and energy spread. The team has developed a magnet prototype MAGDEM, a very compact, low current, large aperture Nb-Ti CCT superconducting magnet with both dipole and quadrupole functions. It features an innovative cryogen-free cooling system based on GM cryocoolers and a LN2 pre-cooling system [4].

[1] I. Martel et al. Letter of Intent to the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Committee " Design study of a Superconducting Recoil Separator for HIE-ISOLDE", INTC -I-228, 2021.
[2] J. Resta-Lopez, et al.“Design and Beam Dynamics Studies of a Novel Compact Recoil Separator Ring for Nuclear Research with Radioactive
Beams,” Proc. of IPAC 2021, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 2021.
[3] I. Martel et.al. An innovative superconducting recoil separator
for hie-isolde. NIMB 541:176–179, 2023.
[4] G. Kirby, et al., "Design and Optimization of a 4 Tesla 200 mm Aperture Helium-Free Nb-Ti Nested CCT Quadrupole / Dipole Superconducting Magnet", ASC2024 ID 4070214/1LOr1B-07, in press.


Mr Carlos Alejandro Gonzales Cordero (University of Huelva (ES)) Mr Rafael Berjillos (University of Huelva) Nikkie Deelen Carlos Garcia Ramos (University of Huelva) Arthur Iziquiel (Accelerator and Cryogenic System) Tomas Junquera (ACS) Glyn Kirby Teresa Kurtukian Nieto (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES)) Mr D. Martins Ethan Page-Mason Javier Resta Lopez (IFIC, Valencia University) Jeroen Van Nugteren Ismael Martel (University of Huelva (ES))

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