Common Project meeting 16
SPS testbeam:
PS testbeam:
What to look at (link):
Tracker: 2Tmm+GEM
check the charge sharing / cross-talk for calo chambers
charge distribution (MPV) as a function of HV
cluster size Vs top/Mesh HV
spatial resolution Vs top/Mesh HV
efficiency (with tracker) Vs top/Mesh HV
efficiency (with tracker) Vs Drift HV
uniformity (for each position we need to recheck the alignment )
timing Vs top/Mesh & drift HV (must be done from the Tmm+GEM)
Pions run: charge distribution Vs Rate; efficiency Vs rate
muons Vs Pions
configuration to have similar MPV for all the chambers and high E-Drift
check the charge sharing / cross-talk -> double check nothing is changed wrt SPS, in the without absorber configuration
number of hits Vs energy with data/MC simulation
charge/per pad / per layer Vs energy
re-run geant4 simulation to recheck digital and semidigital
mips pion Vs muons PID
timing with higher flow rate
check clusters extrapolation
DAQ system