DD4hep Developers Meeting
Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
DD4hep Meeting August 15th, 2024
Present: A.Sailer, M.Frank
Link to minutes of previous meeting
Pending Problems
1) ISSUE1199: Persist hepmc vertex status code into output
==> Should we eliminate Geant4EventReaderHepMC
==> Decision: Geant4EventReaderHepMC will be removed
2) ISSUE1285: Memory Consumption of Sensitive Detectors
==> Should be handled as illustrated in PR1288. Intrinsic problem of the Geant4VolumeManager;
3) ISSUE1296: DetectorImp::endDocument() called twice for some geometries?
==> Unsure if it is a problem wrongly configuring multiple xml inputs.
4) ISSUE1297: Possible to dump all available readout elements?
==> Possibly a copy of unsolved ISSUE580 from Valentin about enumerating all sensitive cells.
5) ISSUE1306: ROOT Master GetGeomPainter breaking tests
6) ISSUE1311: Test t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_load failing in dev4
7) PR1304: SurfaceManager: lazily construct surface maps on demand (Leonhard Reichenbach)
8) PR1314: Cylinder segment surface (Armin Ilg)
Closed issues and fixed problems
1) ISSUE1313: Error in <Compile>: compilation of TPRegexp
===> Related to ROOT issue https://github.com/root-project/root/issues/15986
2) ISSUE1305: Get proper hit/MCParticle relations from Geant4Output2EDM4hep
3) PR1308: Allow speeding up RegexSD, add ddsim interface for it (Andre)
4) PR1309: SiDTests: ensure aclick tests are not run in parallel (Andre)
===> Finally the reason why they tend to fail.
5) PR1310: Building Documentation with el9 container (Andre)
6) PR1312: GitlabCI: drop Flake check, since we have that on github as well (Andre)
7) PR1315: Fix constant exception from Geometry.regexSensitiveDetector (Sang Hyon Ko)
Round table
Andre: New tag coming up.
Markus: NTR
Next meeting: August 29th, 2024