Theory Colloquia

Handling photons in lattice QCD

by Harvey Meyer (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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I describe some of the computational challenges posed by handling photons in lattice QCD. In Euclidean space, amplitudes containing final-state photons are expressed in terms of hadronic correlation functions with a strong infrared weighting, which are hard to control. Secondly, including electromagnetic corrections in hadronic observables is mandatory once the percent level of precision is reached, and this leads to higher n-point functions that need to be computed efficiently. Thirdly, these corrections also lead to a renormalization of the QCD parameters. Two techniques to overcome these challenges will be described in more detail, the use of coordinate-space methods and choosing an ultraviolet cutoff for the photons that lies well below the lattice cutoff scale.

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
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Zoom Recording Operations 2, Irene Valenzuela Agui, Benoit Loyer, Clement Montcharmont, Shota Komatsu, Pascal Pignereau, Pier Francesco Monni, John Cassar, AVC support account, Thomas Nik Bazl Fard
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