IRIS-HEP Fellows Final Presentations

Robert Currier Tuck (Princeton University (US))

Talks to highlight the work of IRIS-HEP Fellows


    • 16:30 16:40
      Artem Havryliuk - Array-Oriented Python Interface for the Pythia Event Generator 10m
    • 16:40 16:50
      Dmytro Belitskyi - Usage of CUDA for improving HLT performance 10m
    • 16:50 17:00
      Valerii Kholoimov - Statistical treatment of the AGC results with RooFit 10m
    • 17:00 17:10
      Maksym Andriichuk - Optimizing automatic differentiation using activity analysis 10m
    • 17:10 17:20
      Yurii Perets - CI/CD improvements for Alpaka library, and related projects 10m