The registration fee is 100 CHF and it covers 4 coffee breaks and a dinner. The different methods of payment are:
- You can pay via credit card using your own registration record in Indico.
- To pay via bank transfer, the bank account references to use are:
As this bank account is common to other CERN conferences, we kindly ask you to mention in the transfer: "34934- Name of the participant".Bank: UBS SA Account Number: 0240-FP100541.3 IBAN: CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3 SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A Domiciliation:UBS SA. - GENEVA UBS SA. - GENEVA Account holder: CERN-CONFERENCES
This information is important in order to identify your payment. -
Via an invoice. This option is only possible if your institute prefers to pay directly the fees. Please check with them before you make any payment and let us know is there is any specific information we need to mention, like VAT number, CQ, CF or other. You can request it by mail to, or using the registration form.
- Payment via a CERN budget code or a Third Party account is also possible. Please send us the code or account you would like to use for the payment, as well as the name of its official budget holder. We will create an EDH document to process the payment.
In all cases, we can prepare a receipt of payment AFTER we have received the funds.