ISRS Collaboration Meeting and Physics workshop

53/R-044 (CERN)



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Ibon Bustinduy (ESS Bilbao Initiative), Ismael Martel (University of Huelva (ES)), Javier Resta Lopez (ICMUV-University of Valencia), Joakim Cederkall (Lund University (SE)), Maria Del Rocio Fuentes Auden (University of Huelva (ES)), Maria Jose Garcia Borge (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES)), Olof Tengblad (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES)), Rafael Berjillos Morente (University of Huelva (ES)), Teresa Kurtukian Nieto (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))

The next ISRS Collaboration meeting (LOI-INTC-I-228) will take place next 25 and 26 November at CERN (two half-days). The aim of this meeting is to present and discuss the status of the R&D project (1st day), as well as the future ISRS scientific program (2nd day). 

This is a hybrid meeting allowing for in-person and remote participation; please note that registration is madatory for joining remotely the sessions.

The meeting is organised as follows:

25 November: ISRS Collaboration  meeting. This event is organised as previous editions of ISRS meetings. There will be presentations about the results of the R&D program, followed by the SAC meeting and the General Collaboration meeting. 

26 November: ISRS physics workshop. This is an extension of the ISRS collaboration event. The aim of this session is to gather together the future users of ISRS spectrometer with the purpose of shaping and updating the physics program, including the complementary instrumentation. 

We encourage you to present your ideas/physics cases and to join the debates and discussions. Abstract for oral contributions should be submitted by November 23 (23:59 CET). 

Follow us at the ISRS Project Web site:



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Ismael Martel
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