ECFA ECR Panel meeting

Arnau Morancho Tarda (University of Copenhagen (DK)), Jan-Hendrik Arling (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
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Jan-Hendrik Arling
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Start of meeting: 11:05

Participants: 40 members


Arnau : Introduction

Lydia stepping down after three years at RECFA → we will need a new delegate by November, process to choose the new delegate will be discussed and should happen ASAP

More spots available for the organizing committee, we are welcome to have more people on board!

End-of-Year report summarizing all the activities of the panel: useful for PECFA and RECFA to see our efforts and what we have done

→ Find authors for the 2024 report

Working groups:

  1. Career prospect & diversity in Physics: analysis published on arxiv, initiated UK event ECR HEP-ex, see talk by Patrick

  2. Software & ML: WG prepared a survey, had to be stopped as it was accessed by a third person. Limited active members at the moment

  3. Future collider working group -> Marko

→ Letter to CERN council for advancing timeline was a success: we as ECRs can voice our concerns and be heard

→ Input to European Strategy for Particle Physics from the panel to be discussed during the panel meeting





Lydia : PECFA/RECFA update

→ Check Frascati meeting in July, talk by Andrea and Patrick for more info

→ No ECR in the conveners of the PPG groups, but every PPG group will have a scientific ECR secretary

Deadline: September 26 to become one of the ECR scientific secretaries. Send name and profile to Lydia and RECFA country delegate. An ECR has to be chosen for this position, but better have motivated people to nominate themselves. Lot of work (1 Day / week until next November 2025)

ECR definition for EPPSU:  less than 10 years after obtaining your PhD

RECFA country visits: see Lydia’s slides for schedule

Estonia becomes a new member of CERN

ECFA has now small budget that can be used for ECRs meetings! 

1 seat at RECFA → observer seat, not allowed to vote

January 1st for the start of the new candidate for RECFA, can leave after 2 years, not before

If your country is on the list of country visits for 2025, please consider attending and talking with the new RECFA ECR representative on the coffee breaks. A lot of input comes from it and can be included later on the letter.

Most employers are happy to give fundings for trips for RECFA visits → talk to RECFA country representatives. Fundings are country dependent and the situation might change depending where you are based.



Holly: People self-nominations for PPG with whom to work?

  • make sure it is known when it is announced


Holly: circulated among the UK - can we have mail to be sent around for information?

  • no clear mandate yet from ECFA, asked for an official statement, not yet there


Jan-Hendrik: how is the process now with assigning the secretary role for the physics group to ECRs?

  • conveners can pick not only from the list as long being an ECR

  • but Lydia confirmed that they will respect the proposed name

  • but, the level preferred should be rather postdoc level (due to workload)


Holly: growing number of RECFA visits - can one dump the presentation somewhere such that people can check about the status?

  • very good idea - will investigate on it


Jan-Hendrik: how are the dependencies for the RECFA role, e.g. concerning the funding?

  • most employers are happy to support you (gives visibility and one extra vote (?) for the country)

  • check maybe with the RECFA rep for supporting you


In case of any questions about the role, Lydia is happy to receive messages - and it is a fun job!


Marko : Future colliders WG

Overview of the last activities of the WG with the highlight being the central event at CERN with over 100 people -> write up of it is now published on arxiv

Blueprint for national events exist -> several countries already started initiatives to follow

Next big topic is the strategy update -> kicked off a discussion about it

Timeline of planned events and input events presented -> please join



Archita: slide 12, can you highlight the scope of the Paris workshop?

  • focused on future Higgs facilities - interesting to join

  • the ECR event will be hybrid and just attached to the workshop

  • deadline for 


Arnau: this effort is open to all ECRs and not only panelists?

  • correct, want to involve as many as possible, reaching out also to other ECR communities



Patrick : UK career event

HEP-EX event:

Half-day event, 29 in-person, attached to UK national HEP community


Arnau: How was the general feeling about the organization of the event ?

  • The results of the survey looked honest: some people are successful quickly, others have to apply many times to get a permanent position. The overall energy was positive, both from the industry and the academic world.

AOB & Discussion

→ Choose next RECFA representation

Also Armin, Andrea term on PECFA will end → we need 2 PECFA, one of them will become RECFA

For RECFA, needs to be done before the 14th of November

→ Send memo around to find a replacement for RECFA, ask for self-nominations + short introduction on the nominees

Feel free to contact Armin / Lydia for more info on the workload and how it works

(Carla Marin Benito) 19th of November: event in Spain, more info to arrive!

To be done: email about the process of nominations for PECFA and RECFA + next meeting to nominate people


Closing of meeting: 12:10

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:15
      Introduction by the organising committee 15m
      Speakers: Arnau Morancho Tarda (University of Copenhagen (DK)), Jan-Hendrik Arling (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
    • 11:15 11:30
      PECFA/RECFA updates 15m
      Speaker: Lydia Brenner (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 11:30 11:45
      Report from future collider WG 15m
      Speaker: Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
    • 11:45 12:00
      UK career event "ECR HEP-ex" 15m
      Speaker: Patrick Dougan (The University of Manchester (GB))
    • 12:00 12:10
      Any Other Business? 10m