Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars

Resummation of Next-to-Leading Non-Global Logarithms

by Nicolas Francois Schalch (Oxford)

Aula U1-07 Marchetti (Milano Bicocca)

Aula U1-07 Marchetti

Milano Bicocca


An intricate pattern of enhanced higher-order corrections known as non-global logarithms arises in cross sections with angular cuts. While the leading logarithmic terms have been calculated numerically more than two decades ago, the resummation of subleading non-global logarithms remained an open problem. In this seminar, we will present a solution to this challenge using effective field theory techniques. Starting from a factorization theorem, we develop a dedicated parton shower framework in the Veneziano limit where the number of colors Nc becomes large, but the ratio of Nc to the number of fermion flavors nF remains fixed. We solve the associated renormalization-group equations using our Monte-Carlo framework MARZILI, thereby resumming the subleading non-global logarithms. To demonstrate the validity of our approach, we will show preliminary results of an ongoing comparison between MARZILI, GNOLE and PanScales. Finally, we will give an outlook where MARZILI can be applied for LHC observables.