Eligibility Framework - Computing Account Automatic Activation next steps

31/S-023 (CERN)



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Alessandro Di Girolamo
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      Computing Accounts Automatic Activation - deployment in production - plans

      Presents: Lucy, Caroline, Oana, Paolo and Ale

      The topic discussed was the Computing Account Automatic Activation (CAAA). The specific item tackled during the meeting is the fact that EXTERNALS should not have EDH account, so having in the CAAA webpage the form with the computing account pwd and the EDH authorization pwd is not optimal. We discussed how EDH is dealing with EXTN, but we did not have the relevant experts to have the answer (do EXTN have access to EDH?). It was also pointed out that as of today the Service Desk is using a tool that, one they activate newcomers account, give them back both the computing account and the EDH authz pwds, i.e. with the developments done in IT there is no change in behaviour.

      Having tailored email notification by category of personnel is not sustainable on the code side.

      It was agreed to add in the CAAA webpage a small text to inform EXTERNALS that they have no access to EDH.


      1. Elig IT team to change the relevant webpage adding the new text.
      2. Once done, Caroline to test again the full workflow with a dummy user (in collab with Ale, other email account)
      3. Caroline, Lucy et al. to, if all ok, make sure that the relevant persons have informed and give green light to IT team to put CAAA in full production for everybody.