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PS/SPS User Meeting

874/1-011 (CERN)



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Eva Barbara Holzer (CERN), Martin R. Jaekel (CERN)

Minutes of Meeting 

The template for the minutes of meeting for the weekly PS & SPS users meeting can always be found using this link:

Please pre-fill them before the meeting with a summery of your activities!

PS/SPS User Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Eva Barbara Holzer
Useful links
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Zoom URL
    • 10:30 10:36
      News from the PS & SPS Physics Coordinator 6m
      Speakers: Eva Barbara Holzer (CERN), Martin R. Jaekel (CERN)
    • 10:36 10:39
      PS machine report 3m

      Members of be-dep-ps-coordinators can upload material.

      Speakers: Alexander Huschauer (CERN), Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Bettina Mikulec (CERN), Denis Gerard Cotte (CERN), Ewen Hamish Maclean (CERN), Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN), Yann Dutheil (CERN)
    • 10:39 10:42
      SPS machine report 3m
      Speakers: Arthur Spierer (CERN), Carlo Zannini (CERN), Francesco Maria Velotti (CERN), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN), Michael Schenk (CERN), Pablo Arrutia (CERN), Stephane Cettour Cave (CERN), Tom Levens (CERN)
    • 10:42 10:45
      Safety / Radiation Protection 3m
      Speakers: Alex Schouten, Evelyne Dho (CERN), James Devine (CERN), Jean-Francois Gruber (CERN), Laura Jayne Rowland (CERN), Letizia Di Giulio (CERN), Marcus Jankowski (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
    • 10:45 10:48
      nTOF 3m
      Speakers: Alberto Mengoni (ENEA & INFN, Bologna), Michael Bacak (The University of Manchester (GB)), Paolo Maria Milazzo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
    • 10:48 10:51
      East Area Beam Status 3m
      Speakers: Bastien Rae (CERN), Dipanwita Banerjee (CERN), Johannes Bernhard (CERN), Maarten Van Dijk (CERN), Michael Lazzaroni (CERN), Nikolaos Charitonidis (CERN)
    • 10:51 11:09
      East Area Users Tour de Table 18m
      • T8 Main: IRRAD/CHARM 3m

        T8 Weekly Proton Intensity:

        T8: Accumulated Proton Intensity:

      • T9 Outgoing Main: HIKE SAC 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T9 Main: NANOCAL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T9 Incoming Main: STRAW TRACKER (Week 40) 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T10 Outgoing Main: BL4S 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T10 Main: ALICE RICH 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T10 Parallel: RE7 GAMMA MEV 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • T11 Main: CLOUD 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

    • 11:09 11:12
      Incoming AWAKE (Week 40) 3m

      Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

    • 11:12 11:15
      North Area Beam Status 3m
      Speakers: Anna Baratto Roldan (CERN), Bastien Rae (CERN), Dipanwita Banerjee (CERN), Johannes Bernhard (CERN), Michael Lazzaroni (CERN), Nikolaos Charitonidis (CERN)
      • Status of H2, H4, H6, and H8 Beamlines 3m
    • 11:15 11:57
      North Area Users Tour de Table 42m
      • K12 Main: NA62 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • M2 Main: MUONE 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H2 Outgoing Main: CMS HGCAL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H2 Main: LHCB ECAL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H4 Main: DRD1 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H4 Main: GIF++ 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H4 Incoming Main: SND (Week 40) 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 Outgoing Main: ATLAS HGTD 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 Outgoing Parallel: PICSEL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 Main: EP PIXEL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 Parallel: ATLAS ITK PIXEL 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 Incoming Main: RADICAL (Week 40) 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H8 Main: ATLAS TILECAl 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H8 Incoming Main: BI XBPF (Week 40) 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

    • 11:57 12:03
      Parasitic Users 6m

      Reporting is not obligatory,
      Members of ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6: ATLAS MALTA 3m

        Members of ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H6 ALICE ITS3 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H8: STRAW TRACKER RD 3m

        Members of ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

      • H8: Outgoing TRIDENT 3m

        Members of the ps-sps-users e-group can upload material

    • 12:03 12:06
      AOB 3m
      • Eurolab TA 5m