HSF DAWG: Scipp and ragged data
Scipp is heavily inspired by Xarray. It enriches raw NumPy-like multi-dimensional arrays of data by adding named dimensions and associated coordinates. Multiple arrays can be combined into datasets. While for many applications Xarray is more suitable and matured than Scipp, there is a number of features missing in other situations. If your use case requires one or several of the items on the following list, using Scipp may be worth considering:
Physical units are stored with each data or coord array and are handled in arithmetic operations.
Histograms, i.e., bin-edge axes, which are by 1 longer than the data extent.
Support for non-regular or scattered data and non-destructive binning.
Support for masks stored with data.
Propagation of uncertainties.
Internals written in C++ for better performance (for certain applications), in combination with Python bindings.