Rreliminary Analysis of Femtoscopic Correlations in p+p Collisions at 4.5 GeV at HADES

Not scheduled
Faculty of Physics (Warsaw University of Technology)

Faculty of Physics

Warsaw University of Technology

Koszykowa 75 00-662 Warsaw, Poland


Michał Prędota (Warsaw University of Technology)


Femtoscopic correlations allow us to probe into the space-time structure of the source of particle emission, which appears after a heavy-ion collision. Most analyses focus on collisions of heavier elements or high energies (or both) as it allows for the usage of so-called smoothness approximation. In this work, the applicability of this approximation will be tested, as it does not work at low multiplicities, allowing for an interesting insight into cases that are usually omitted in femtoscopic correlations.

In this presentation, preliminary results obtained from UqQMD simulations will be presented, focusing mainly on proper background estimation and qualitative analysis of same-sign pion correlations in the obtained data.


Michał Prędota (Warsaw University of Technology)

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