Ahmetcan Sansar
(Istanbul University (TR))
We present recent developments in the Analysis Description Language (ADL) and the runtime interpreter CutLang in the context of (re)interpretation studies. The talk will cover ongoing validation efforts from LHC BSM analyses and various improvements to the infrastructure to accommodate analysis implementation and validation requirements. We will also present studies using ATLAS open data. Additionally, we will highlight key advancements towards building a more formal, robust, and automated interpreter system.
Ahmetcan Sansar
(Istanbul University (TR))
Aytul Adiguzel
(Istanbul University (TR))
Demircan Demirbağ
(Boğaziçi Üniversitesi)
Ekin Yoruk
Erkcan Ozcan
(Bogazici University)
Feyza Baspehlivan
Gokhan Unel
(University of California Irvine (US))
Kagan Sahan
(Istanbul University (TR))
Sezen Sekmen
(Kyungpook National University (KR))