Manuel Kunkel
I will present the results of two recent recasting studies using MadAnalysis5, CheckMATE and Rivet/Contur. I will focus on processes that are interesting for composite Higgs models. The first is a study of Drell-Yan production of extended Higgs sectors, putting upper limits on cross section times branching ratio for a large number of final states. Besides the limits themselves, this serves as an interesting overview of the recasting landscape. In a second step we consider pair production of vector-like quarks with exotic decays via the aforementioned scalars.
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Leonard Schwarze
(Indian Institute of Science)
Manuel Kunkel
Thomas Flacke
(Korea Institute of Advanced Study)
Werner Porod
(University of Würzburg)