WLCG Management Board #326

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Simone Campana (CERN)

16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT

URL for the ZOOM call: https://cern.zoom.us/j/66011416092  (the passcode has been distributed by email)

To join by phone (see the dedicated support page):
1) dial your local ZOOM number (e.g. +41432107108) then enter the MB meeting ID  660 1141 6092 then #
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Email Distribution List: worldwide-lcg-management-board@cern.ch
Email List Archive: worldwide-lcg-management-board (requires CERN authentication)
Minutes: Management Board Meeting Minutes
Action List: MbActionList
See also the: WLCG Document RepositoryWLCG Web Site

Zoom Meeting ID
Andrea Sciabà
Alternative hosts
Simone Campana, Maarten Litmaath
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 1
      Minutes and Matters Arising
    • 2
      Action List Review
    • 3
      WLCG Service Report
      Speakers: Panos Paparrigopoulos (CERN), Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 4
      TCB report
      Speakers: Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN), James Letts (Univ. of California San Diego (US))

      Technical Coordination Board

      This is a list of nominations to the TCB that we would like to put forward to the WLCG MB for approval today. All nominations have been accepted by the candidates:

      • Josep Flix associated with Spain and HEPiX
      • Oxana Smirnova, associated with the Nordic region and NDGF-T1
      • Shawn McKee, associated with US ATLAS, and a networking expert
      • Andrew Melo, associated with US CMS, and a facilities expert
      • Maarten Litmaath, associated with WLCG Operations and EGI
      • Alessandro De Salvo, associated with Italy
      • Alastair Dewhurst, associated with the UK

      In addition to the list of nominees sent to the MB last week, we would also like to include in the TCB the following experts:

      • Jose Carlos Luna (WLCG Security Officer)
      • Katy Ellis (DOMA)
      • Johannes Elmsheuser (DOMA)

      We foresee having additional area experts (e.g. for FTS, CTA) participating in the TCB as we move forward. 

      These nominations are in addition to the ex officio members already approved by the MB. There will be a few further nominations as we reach out to more federations or communities.

      A kickoff meeting with the prospecitve membership was held on Wedneday, Feburary 12th at CERN [Indico]. We talked about the charge and scope of the TCB, the purpose, audience and format of the Technical Roadmap document, as well as the list of topics. Action item: Each TCB member will send a prioritized list of topics for consideration before the next meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, March 25th at 16:00 (CERN) [Indico]. We will also work on the skeleton structure of the roadmap document itself.

      DC26 => DC27: The TCB endorsed the decision of the DOMA team and others to schedule the next WLCG data challenge in 2027, the first full year of LS3.

      Open Technical Forum

      We held the third Open Technical Forum (OTF#3) on Tuesday, February 11th. [Indico]. We had two talks on security of infrastructures and a lively discussion about coming up with a plan to gather experiment requirements for tokens, from a security perspective, and in particular considering user token authentication.  Action items:

      1. We need a credible plan for the token transition including a plan for collecting experiment requirements by the WLCG Workshop in May, with some list of what decision points there are and timelines. Consolidate effort on this activity so we are not duplicating it in many different forums (e.g. Token Mini-TF and elsewhere). Involve CILogon for the user access token part of this.
      2. For a future OTF, understand the LHCb, ATLAS, and CMS views of the role of interactivity in analysis facilities.

      We also had a talk from the Open Source Program Office (OSPO) at CERN and feedback from ALICE on the LHCC Referees analysis facilities questions.

    • 5
      Tier-0/1 responses to 2025 additional resource requests
      Speakers: Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Andreas Petzold (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)), Daniele Cesini (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)), David Bouvet (IN2P3/CNRS (FR)), David Britton (University of Glasgow (GB)), Dirk Duellmann (CERN), Dirk Hufnagel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Gang Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics), Henryk Giemza (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL)), Jeff Templon (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)), Jose Flix Molina (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)), Oxana Smirnova (Lund University (SE)), Peter Clarke (The University of Edinburgh (GB)), Reda Tafirout (TRIUMF (CA)), Ron Trompert, Ron Trompert
    • 6
      Update on the preparation for the European Strategy for Particle Physics
      Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)

      Please comment in the draft. Deadline is the 28th of February.

    • 7
      • a) Update on the WLCG/HSF workshop
        Speakers: Michel Jouvin (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)), Simone Campana (CERN)
      • b) Next MB Meeting: Tuesday 18 March 2025