ML Section Meeting
865/1-B03 (CERN)
- General:
- Ask for a BI Day in June --> Chiara
- Nuts and Bolts budget estimates --> Ben
- CNC tools budget estimates --> Lewis
- Budegt for safety (ventilation in the chemical cabinets) and building renov (BLM lab) --> Chiara
- Budget estimate for the machine Jet d'eau --> Morad
- Conferences Participation:
- send to Chiara which one you would like to attend (IPAC, IBIC, MEDSI, Big Science Forum, any other technical fair) --> All
- Check for interesting Tech Fairs --> Morad and Lewis
- More offices for ML in our corridor --> Chiara
- YETS prepa:
- Check Control for the legacy wire scanner is working --> Gerard, Chiara
- BSI --> cancelled
- BTV on T4 --> TBC with Stephane --> Chiara, Ben
- Window flange for BSRTMB to be sent to VSC acceptance tests --> Gerhard
- BRAN LSS2 improvement in the safety - switches discussion with David/Federico --> Chiara
- ISOLDE FCs: add the contributions to the ML planning --> Chiara
- ISOLDE VSC acceptance tests: chek with Jose on the strategy for acceptance tests in HIE/Isolde --> Chiara
- Sort the resources for covering LHC YETS, HL BPM pressure and leak testing and HL BLMs --> Chiara and Gerhard
- VSC acceptance tests:
- Campaign blocked till after YETS:
- After YETS we need a review of the equipment list and test only the refurbished ones which are useful as spares for TLine and NA --> Emma, Gerhard, Morad
- Campaign blocked till after YETS:
- Double expert:
- Do a risk analysis for the different instruments and check by criticality where we should be covering with second experts --> Chiara
- Think of the best way to implement spares management so that everyone is aware of where is what in case of need. --> All
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