EN-CV Use-Case
- The proposed workflow will require a move from creating work orders to creating logbook entries
- EN-CV shares the challenge of EN-EL of having single failures across multiple accelerators that currently need to be defined multiple times
- It became evident that further discussions are needed to handle linking between EN-CV and TIOC logbooks - this has to be followed up separately
- The AFT system breakdown may be updated, to have a common definition between EAM and AFT for EN-CV
Workflow commonalities
- Due to lack of time, this was not discussed in detail
- It was agreed to release the latest test-version and further inputs are provided offline
- There was a proposal to "re-route" the existing AFT-->EAM integration from creating "notes" to creating logbook entries in the longer run, so that they do not have to be created manually. The feedback on this from EN-CV & TIOC was very positive. It was pointed out that one has to consider the case where multiple faults of the same issue are created in different machines in AFT.
- The next meeting will be scheduled to discuss the experience with the EAM linking plug-in & possible deployment to operational logbooks
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