November 14, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Event for all early-career reseachers (ECRs) to get involved into the process of writing an ECR white paper as input for the European Particle Physics Strategy Update (EPPSU). The event is hosted adjacent to the 115th Plenary ECFA Meeting at CERN in hybrid format, remote participants to join via Zoom.

Are you an early-career researcher? According to the ECFA-definition, we ask all with non-permanent positions or holding the PhD for less than 10 years to contribute to the future of particle physics.

You want to stay informed or also contribute more to the white paper initiative? Please subscribe to the mailing list ( or join our Mattermost channel (ECRs for EPPSU 2024).

What can you expect from the day? In the first part of the workshop, the individual working groups formed after the last workshop adjacent to the ECFA Paris workshop will introduce themselves and give a report about the first meetings shaping the content and plans for them. After the lunch break, the individual WGs have parallel session to discuss further in the smaller groups. And finally, we will host an informal discussion among ECRs, accessible to everyone with a special focus on all CERN-based ECRs, where the workshop is summed up with a general introduction of the process, the ideas for the future and options to discuss broadly about the field and future colliders. Please check out the detailed timetable.

Curious but having more questions? No problem, first of all, more information about the event and its logistics will follow in the next days. But if you have in the meantime already a question or topic to raise, please send an e-mail to And if you think your fellow has not yet heard of this, please tell him/her and spread the word - the more the merrier!

Looking forward to an interesting, active workshop with a lot of discussions!


Jan-Hendrik Arling, John Alexander Burgman, Axel Gallen, Abdelhamid Haddad, Laura Huhta, Armin Ilg, Krzysztof Mekala, Emanuela Musumeci, Leonhard Reichenbach, Daniel Reichelt, Francesco Pio Ucci

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
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