I.FAST Accelerator communication and outreach workshop
Engage the network of communication officers from the major institutes of the European accelerator community in knowledge-sharing and in developing closer collaborative ties.
Concept note
Europe’s research and innovation landscape is in a period of political development, moving towards a stronger focus on competitiveness and links to industry. This has been highlighted by recent Europe-wide reports, such as those by former Italian prime ministers Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, the so-called Heitor report, Ursula Von der Leyen’s speech at the CERN 70 event, as well as calls for Europe’s next R&I framework programme to boost European industrial competitiveness.
This represents a new challenge for the communication output of Europe’s major institutes in the accelerator community: How best to showcase the contribution of accelerator facilities and technologies to European competitiveness?
In a two-day event, a series of talks from those at the heart of conversations about European competitiveness will be delivered to highlight the direction the R&I landscape is likely to take in the coming years. There will also be participant-driven workshops where accelerator science communicators will work together to come up with ideas to communicate accelerator facilities and technologies in this new era.
In addition to this, the event will provide an opportunity for communicators working at accelerator facilities to network, share ideas and build stronger collaboration channels.
This workshop follows two previous iterations organised under the ARIES project, I.FAST’s predecessor, that provided a broader opportunity to discuss communication strategies related to accelerator facilities and technologies. More information on those workshops can be found here.
This event is being organised in the frame of the H2020 project I.FAST under work package 2, with the consortium aiming to develop the communication initiatives across the European accelerator community with a dedicated workshop.
This event is invitation only.