Integration of the new benchmark in the accounting workflow



Adrian, Tom, Joseph, Julia


  • Adrian mentioned that he answered Maria's question regarding checking HEPSCORE info sent to the development instance
  • No answer yet from OSG eccounting expert regarding missing CPU metrics for some of the OSG sites. Julia will ping Derek again
  • According to Adrian, APEL migration plans will be respected
  • No progress regarding understanding of APEL processing for sites which publish benchmarking factors with GLUE2. Julia asked to look into it with high priority. Natalia created a list of EGI sites with information describing how they publish benchmarking factors. The list is attached to the twiki page of the accounting task force: Adrian is leaving for vacations, Tom will look whether someone else from the team can look into it.
  • Alessandro reported by mail that all libraries which were mentioned by Maria as missing in UMD5 are now in place



  • Joseph reported regarding the progress for migration to produsction, Julia asked to document all steps in detail in a ticket
  • Julia will complement the ticket regarding functionality of the portal which is needed to follow the progress of benchmarking WLCG resources with HEPSCORE


Next meeting

  • Since Adrian will be in vacations next week, decided to have next meeting in two weeks on teh 15th of November usual time slot. Menwhile Tom will send news regarding GLUE2 investigation by mail




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    • 1
      Speaker: Adrian Coveney (STFC UKRI)