CaR board v2.0 specifications review:
Pre-reviw notes
- Anything with a strikethrough is set for deletion, upon acceptance from the team
- Anything in dark orange is up for debate at the upcoming meeting
- Yellow highlights can be ignored, they were notes from a previous level of review
- Review comments:
- ID 11: rejected.
- We don't have these configuration and to this resoultion anymore.
- ID 17: rejected.
- We have unidirectional buffers and series termiantion that could got to 50 Ohm
- ID 19: accepted
- 1 SFP+ should be enough
- QSFP+ could also be an option
- ID 20: accepted
- USB doens't take much space, and Mercury+ SoM already has interface for that. So unless there is a good reason drop it, we can keep it
- Target 3.0
- ID 22: on hold
- It is fine as long as it doesn't take up too much resources or is complicated to implement
- ID 30: rejected
- More interesting is to sense the temperature on the chip board. But that is possible with I2C interface to the chip board.
- ID 34: rejected
- Should only focus on display port as adaptors to RJ45 can be made
- ID 38: rejected
- Can always use on board level shifters
- ID 40: rejected
- currents and voltages are now separate
- ID 42: accepted
- ID 44: accepted
- ID 46: accepted
- ID 48: accepted
- ID 49: accepted
- ID 55: rejected
- about connecting the power supplies in parallel
- Could be used in case we need higher currents, but current DACs already have limits of 1A up to 15V
- ID 57: accepted
- ID 58: rejected
- Don't understand where the need is
- ID 59: on hold
- ID 60: on hold
- ID 61: accepted
- ID 62: accepted
- ID 64: accepted
- ID 65: accepted
- Need to define the shutdown scheme
- Possibility to use a QFN48 FPGA, with a flash SPI and I2C interface to configure the shutdown scheme
- ID 67: accepted
- ID 68: rejected
- ID 69: accepted
- ID 71: rejected
- ID 72: accepted
- ID 80: accepted
- 1 channels for positive should be enough , and 2 for negative with 15mA (as it is tipically only needed for biasing)
- ID 81: accepted
- ID 84: accepted
- We can also support Enclsutra XU8 with the notice that some features might not be available
- ID 86: on-hold
- Need discussion on the form factor to be used
- ID 87: rejected
- ID 88: rejected
- ID 91: rejected
- ID 92: rejected