ALICE guide:
Laszlo Boldizsar
László studied physics at Eötvös University, Budapest.
Worked in LEP L3, SPS NA49, GSI FAIR CBM, LHC CMS experiment, and finally,
(during the last 20 years) in the LHC ALICE experiment.
He has been experienced in data analysis, Monte Carlo simulations and
detector building as well. He participated also in the ALICE TPC upgrade
project before the current LHC Run3 period.
CMS guides and technical experts:
Noemi Beni
Zoltan Szillasi
Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics
During the last 20 years they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS
Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.