COMETA Colloquium: Lorenzo Tancredi

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This event is organised by the COMETA COST Action, a EU-funded networking initiative that promotes knowledge sharing and cooperation across the theory, experiment, and ML communities, with the aim of improving the measurement and interpretation of multiboson processes at the LHC.

Find recordings of all COMETA Colloquia on our youtube channel @multibosons!


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    • 1
      Scattering Amplitudes: from Collider Physics to Geometry

      In the past two decades, it has become clear that scattering amplitudes, which constitute fundamental building blocks for physical predictions in quantum field theory, can be reinterpreted in purely geometrical terms. This geometrical picture is ubiquitous, and it has far-reaching consequences. On the one hand, it has allowed us to devise new computational tools that have revealed extraordinary powerful to solve previously out-of-reach problems of immediate relevance for particle physics and, more recently, to the theory of gravitational waves. On the other, geometry might also hold the key to re-interpreting fundamental aspects of perturbative quantum field theory and, in this way, offer us a novel understanding of long-lasting conceptual and practical problems in the foundations of this framework. In this talk, I will review some of these developments, focusing on the explicit connection between scattering amplitudes and geometry in the explicit context of collider physics.

      Speaker: Lorenzo Tancredi (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))