Elections will be held for the Executive Committee and the President Elect.
Members are elected for a 2 year team and can serve a maximum of two terms.
We are looking for candidates with expertise and interests in issues relevant to the EPS community including education, outreach, science policy, gender equality, scientific publishing as well as excellent contact with the scientific community
The Executive Committee is responsible for developing and steering the activities of the EPS. Its members are expected to actively participate in the discussions and work of the Executive Committee. The members draft discussion documents, represent the EPS in various circumstances (Member Society meetings, Division and Group Boards, EPS projects, etc.), chair EPS Action Committees, and contribute to the aims of the Society. Executive Committee members also ensure a dialog with various EPS constituents (Member Societies, Divisions and Groups, Individual Members, Associate Members).
The members of the executive committee are drawn from lists nominated by the constituents of the EPS.
In addition to the President, and vice-President, or President-elect as the case may be, the composition of the Executive Committee is as follows:
- Member Societies with more than 10,000 effective members designate a representative on the Executive Committee. Currently, the IoP (UK) and the DPG (DE) meet this condition and will designate their representative on the Executive Committee.
- Other Member Societies are represented on the Executive Committee by 3 members elected by Council
- Divisions and Groups are represented on the Executive Committee by 4 members elected by Council
- Individual Members and Associate Members are represented on the Executive Committee by 1 member each, elected by Council
Nominations in each category can be made by members of the respective categories. E.g. D/G chairs should nominate candidates for the division and group list. All Individual members of the EPS can also propose candidates for the individual member seat.
Representatives of "small" member societies: 3 seats
The following candidates are standing for relection:
Eugenio Coccia
Katharina Lorenz
Representatives of Divisions and Groups: 4 seats
The following candidates are standing for relection:
Christian Beck
Alessandra Fantoni
Anna Lipniacka
Representative of Individual members: 1 seat
Representative of Associate Members: 1 seat
Anna di Ciaccio is standing for re-election
Proposals for candidates from the respective nominating bodies should be sent to secretariat@eps.org