Detector characterisation
- Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Irena Dolenc Kittelmann
22/11/2011, 09:20
A method to extract trapping times from edge-TCT measurements is proposed. It is based on extraction of point charge drift velocity profile with corresponding electric field and determination of transfer function of the electronics used in edge-TCT measurements. The method is currently under the development however some preliminary results will be presented in this talk.
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
22/11/2011, 09:40
ATLAS-HPK n+-p miniature strips sensors were irradiated in steps with neutrons up to the cumulative fluence of 1e16. At each step Edge-TCT measurements were performed immediately after irradiation and also during accelerated beneficial annealing. The drift velocity profiles were used to model the space charge in the detectors.
Marko Milovanovic
(Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
22/11/2011, 10:00
Charge collection properties of a Hamamatsu n+-p micro-strip detector, irradiated to 1x10e16 1/cm2 with reactor neutrons, were measured using Edge-TCT. After several annealing steps, up to total time of 10240min. charge multiplication can be clearly seen for voltages even as low as a few hundred volts, as well as the influence of both short and long term annealing in high and low electric...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
22/11/2011, 10:50
Abstract: A low cost scanning TCT which enables Edge-TCT has been built. All components except the moving stages and optics are custom made and in many ways surpass that of the commercial products. The choice of lasers vary from 670, 950 and 1060 with possibility of having programmable light patterns and pulses of large dynamic range.
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical-Technical institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
22/11/2011, 11:10
The new RD50 project “Silicon detectors modeling” is motivated by the numerous results on the application of the original and professional software for simulations of irradiated silicon detectors characteristics and performance. The goal of the project is establishing the common physical understanding of the approaches for the modeling and the results, and performing the comparative studies of...