19th RD50 Workshop (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Building 503-1-001
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Michael Moll (CERN)
19th RD50 Workshop on Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders
  • alberto messineo
  • Alessandro La Rosa
  • Alexander Dierlamm
  • Alexandra Junkes
  • Ali harb
  • Andra Georgia Ibanescu
  • Andre Rummler
  • Andreas Nuernberg
  • Andrey Aleev
  • Anna Macchiolo
  • Antonio Miucci
  • Arie Ruzin
  • Audrey Deidda
  • Bruno Sopko
  • Casse Gianluigi
  • Chris parkes
  • Christian Barth
  • Daniel Muenstermann
  • Daniela Bassignana
  • Dean Forshaw
  • Dominik Chren
  • Donato Creanza
  • Doris Eckstein
  • Eckhart Fretwurst
  • Eija Tuominen
  • Eugene Grigoriev
  • Francisca J. Muñoz Sánchez
  • Frank Hartmann
  • Goran Ristic
  • Gregor Kramberger
  • Hartmut Sadrozinski
  • Igor Mandić
  • Ioana Pintilie
  • Irena Dolenc Kittelmann
  • Ivan Vila
  • Jaakko Härkönen
  • Jennifer Sibille
  • Joachim Erfle
  • Jugoslav Karamarkovic
  • Juozas Vaitkus
  • Karl Gill
  • Lino Demaria
  • Mara Bruzzi
  • Marcos Fernandez Garcia
  • Marko Milovanovic
  • Markus Gabrysch
  • Markus Keil
  • Massimiliano Fiorini
  • Michael Moll
  • Michael Solar
  • MIchelle Stancari
  • Miguel Ullan
  • Nicola Pacifico
  • Otilia Militaru
  • Panja-Riina Luukka
  • Pawel Kaminski
  • Petr Masek
  • Philipp Weigell
  • Ralf Röder
  • Riccardo Mori
  • Robert Eber
  • Rogerio Iope
  • Roman Kozlowski
  • Roxana Radu
  • Sally Seidel
  • Sergey Rogozhkin
  • Seth Zenz
  • Shota Tsiskaridze
  • Stephen Gibson
  • Thomas Eichhorn
  • Thomas Poehlsen
  • Tuure Tuuva
  • Ulrich Parzefall
  • Veronique Wedlake
  • Victor Benitez
  • Vit Sopko
  • Vladimir Cindro
  • Vladimir Eremin
    • Defect/Material characterisation 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Building 503-1-001
      Show room on map
      Convener: Prof. Mara Bruzzi (INFN and University of Florence)
      • 1
        Speakers: Gianluigi Casse (Liverpool University), Michael Moll (CERN)
      • 2
        Effect of oxygen on annealing induced defects transformations in epitaxial silicon irradiated with high energy protons
        We show the results of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of defect levels in standard and oxygen-rich epitaxial silicon subjected to 24 GeV/c proton irradiation with a fluence of 1.7x10^16 cm-2 and annealing at temperatures of 20, 80, 160 and 240 oC. The radiation defect levels in the bandgap have been scanned by High-Resolution Photoinduced Transient Spectroscopy. In the standard epilayer annealed at 240 oC, the concentration of the predominant shallow trap with the activation energy of 130 meV, assigned to the silicon tetra-interstitial (I4),was 1.2x10^15 cm-3. The concentrations of the very deep traps with activation energies of 565 and 575 meV assigned to tri-vacancy(V3) and tetra- vacancy(V4), were 5.0x10^15 and 7.1x10^15 cm-3, respectively. In the oxygen-rich epilayer annealed at this temperature,the concentration of the predominant 130-meV trap was 2.2x10^15cm-3.The concentrations of the 565-meV and 575-meV traps,were ~1x10^15 and ~1.5x10^15 cm-3,respectively.
        Speaker: Pawel Kaminski (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
      • 3
        A comparative study of mixed irradiated sensors made of different silicon base material
        Mini strip sensors of n-in-p and p-in-n Float-zone and Magnetic Czochralski material have been irradiated to fluences ranging from 10^14neq/cm2 to 2*10^16neq/cm2 according to five different radii in the CMS tracker. An annealing study with signal and signal to noise ratio along with leakage current measurements has been performed with the ALiBaVa setup. The charge collection as function of annealing time has been parameterised. A summary and comparison of the different materials will be presented.
        Speaker: Robert Eber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 4
        Depletion Voltage and Effective Doping Concentration of Float Zone and Magnetic Czochralski Silicon Diodes Irradiated by Protons to Conditions Relevant to the High Luminosity LHC
        We describe our measurements of the depletion voltage and change in effective doping concentration obtained from capacitance measurements after irradiation and annealing of four types of silicon diodes: n- and p-type in both Float Zone (Fz) and Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) silicon. The samples were irradiated with 800 MeV protons to fluences reaching 1.1x10$^{15}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$ and then annealed in several time steps at 60~$^\circ$C. The results were then fit using the Hamburg Model to extract annealing behavior constants.
        Speaker: Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico)
      • 5
        Nitrogen-doped silicon as a potentially radiation-hard material
        Defect engineering technology based on nitrogen doping is known to be capable of controlling both the voids and the oxygen precipitates in Czochralski silicon wafers and completely suppressing D and A defects produced by aggregates of vacancies and self-interstitials, respectively, in FZ single crystals. A review of defect reactions resulting from interactions of nitrogen atoms with intrinsic defects and oxygen atoms is presented. It is suggested that these interactions may also occur in the material irradiated with high hadron fluences leading to an improvement of radiation hardness.
        Speaker: Pawel Kaminski (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
      • 15:00
        Coffee break
      • 6
        The peculiarities of photoconductivity in the irradiated Si.
        The irradiated Si pad structures were investigated. The details of conductivity and photoconductivity mechanisms are analyzed by investigation of free carrier concentration and mobility temperature dependence, and by thermally stimulated current using different excitation by light conditions. The effects of microinhomogeneities were observed by an existence of the persistent current and by the dependence of TSC activavtion energy on the applied bias. The analyze of photoconductivity decay in a presence of a few levels was analyzed and discussed in a frame of earlier proposed model of clusters.
        Speaker: Prof. Juozas Vaitkus (Vilnius University)
      • 7
        Signals of heavily irradiated Si particle detectors
        A role of moving carriers electric charge role was analyzed using the static and dynamic approches. The conditions, when the Ramo approximation is valid and invalid, are presented. The influence of generation current on the characteristics of heavily irradiated Si detector is demonstrated. It is shown the heavily irradiated diode behaves like a slow capacitor or un-stable resistor. It is proposed an increase of charge collection efficiency can be caused by the photo-electrical gain effect ir the static approach is valid, and the gain is dependent on the lifetime and the drift time ratio. The impact ionization avalanche caused gain is possible also within electrode edge region if a virtual photo-electrode is formed by high density of photo-generated excess carriers.
        Speaker: Prof. Juozas Vaitkus (Vilnius University, Dept. Semiconductor Physics & Institute of Applied Research)
      • 8
    • Detector characterisation 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Building 503-1-001
      Show room on map
      Convener: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
      • 9
        Edge-TCT characterization of 24 Gev/c proton irradiated p-type silicon detectors
        Oxygen-enriched silicon, both DO Float Zone and Magnetic Czochralski has proved to be more radiation tolerant than standard silicon in harsh radiation environments. We are going to summarize the results obtained with the Edge-TCT technique on field development with annealing in FZ and MCz n-on-p detectors from the 2010 Micron production batch. The studied structures were exposed to high fluences (1e16 p/cm^2) of 24 GeV/c protons at the CERN PS and subsequently went through several annealing steps at 80°C. Clear evidence of charge multiplication mechanism at long annealing times will be provided as well as the presence of a bistable defect activated by moderate current injection, heavily affecting the observed neff.
        Speaker: Nicola Pacifico (CERN)
      • 10
        Extraction of physical quantities from edge-TCT measurements
        A method to extract trapping times from edge-TCT measurements is proposed. It is based on extraction of point charge drift velocity profile with corresponding electric field and determination of transfer function of the electronics used in edge-TCT measurements. The method is currently under the development however some preliminary results will be presented in this talk.
        Speaker: Irena Dolenc Kittelmann (CERN)
      • 11
        Electric field and space charge in neutron irradiated n+p sensors
        ATLAS-HPK n+-p miniature strips sensors were irradiated in steps with neutrons up to the cumulative fluence of 1e16. At each step Edge-TCT measurements were performed immediately after irradiation and also during accelerated beneficial annealing. The drift velocity profiles were used to model the space charge in the detectors.
        Speaker: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute)
      • 12
        Effects of long-term annealing in p-type strip detectors irradiated with neutrons to 1x10e16 investigated by Edge-TCT
        Charge collection properties of a Hamamatsu n+-p micro-strip detector, irradiated to 1x10e16 1/cm2 with reactor neutrons, were measured using Edge-TCT. After several annealing steps, up to total time of 10240min. charge multiplication can be clearly seen for voltages even as low as a few hundred volts, as well as the influence of both short and long term annealing in high and low electric field detector region. The effect of charge multiplication also shows strong correlation with the increase of the leakage current.
        Speaker: Marko Milovanovic (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
      • 10:20
        Coffee break
      • 13
        A low cost scanning TCT
        Abstract: A low cost scanning TCT which enables Edge-TCT has been built. All components except the moving stages and optics are custom made and in many ways surpass that of the commercial products. The choice of lasers vary from 670, 950 and 1060 with possibility of having programmable light patterns and pulses of large dynamic range.
        Speaker: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute)
      • 14
        New research activity “Silicon detectors modeling in RD50”: goals, tasks and the first steps forward
        The new RD50 project “Silicon detectors modeling” is motivated by the numerous results on the application of the original and professional software for simulations of irradiated silicon detectors characteristics and performance. The goal of the project is establishing the common physical understanding of the approaches for the modeling and the results, and performing the comparative studies of the available tools for simulations of the silicon detectors properties. The project will include several tasks important for the modeling and results interpretation. 1. Input data systematization; 2. Physical models for simulation of the main detector characteristics; 3. Evaluation and systematization of the results. Please consider your participation in this RD50 new common activity.
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Eremin (Ioffe Physical-Technical institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
    • Full detector systems 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Building 503-1-001
      Show room on map
      Convener: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
      • 15
        Progress on the "Slim Edges" Project
        The UCSC-NRL "Slim Edges" Project made good progress. The laser scribing+cleaving was replaced by XeF2 etching+cleaving leading to a much improved i-V curve. The edge psssivation has also been finalized with Alumina for p-type sensors and Nitrogen PECVD for n-type. Charge collection will be discussed ina second talk
        Speaker: Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
      • 16
        Charge collection measurement on slim edge sensors with the ALiBaVa system.
        We report the charge collection measurement on p-on-n micro strip sensors with slim edges. The sensors were "GLAST" style sensors manufactured by HPK with 228 micron pitch. The edge was produced by PECVD deposition of Nitride and was 50 micron from the outer edge of the guard ring, about 200 micron from the active area. We find constant charge collection even in the last trip before and after cutting the edge.
        Speaker: Riccardo Mori (University of Florence, INFN)
      • 17
        First results with non-irradiated and heavily irradiated microstrip trenched detectors.
        One of the RD50 approved projects (Fabrication of new p-type strip detectors with trench to enhance the charge multiplication effect in the n-type electrodes) aims to enhance charge multiplication by “trenching” the strip. Here we present the first results before and after neutron irradiation.
        Speaker: Dean Charles Forshaw (University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 18
        Update on charge collection annealing
        The annealing is now being accepted as a tool for improving the signal and reducing the negative effects of the reverse current (on noise and power dissipation). An update of the measurements of the charge collection as a function of the bias voltage and the current is here presented.
        Speaker: Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 12:50
      • 19
        Annealing of CCE in HPK strip detectors irradiated with pions and neutrons
        In this presentation an update of CCE annealing studies with HPK strip detectors irradiated with PSI pions and reactor neutrons will be shown. Measurements of collected charge were made with SCT128A chip after several annealing steps at 60C.
        Speaker: Igor Mandić (Jožef Stefan Institute)
      • 20
        Performance and Aging of the Run-II CDF Silicon Detector
        The CDF Run-II silicon microstrip detector has witnessed 12 fb-1 of proton-antiproton collisions over the last 10 years. It has shown remarkable performance, with 90% of its channels functional, 80% error-free, and only one of its eight layers near the operational limits for full depletion. The measured bias currents, depletion voltage and signal-to-noise ratio of these sensors provide unique information about the behavior of sensors irradiated slowly over a long period of time. Charge collection measurements from irradiated, double-sided sensors reveal a doubly-peaked electric field inside the sensors that is weaker in the center and stronger at the edges.
        Speaker: Michelle Stancari (Fermilab)
      • 21
        Performance of Thin Irradiated SOI Detectors
        Single chip pixel modules were built from an MPP-HLL production of 75µm thin sensors and ATLAS read-out chips exploiting the novel Solid Liquid Interdiffusion technology (SLID). We will present laboratory and testbeam measurements for these devices before and after irradiation with neutrons in Ljubljana and with protons in Karlsruhe. Additionally, first results from edgeTCT measurements on strip sensors with thicknesses of 75µm and 150µm from the same production irradiated to a fluence of 1e16 neq will be shown.
        Speaker: Philipp Weigell (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
      • 22
        Charge collection in silicon strips sensors close to the accumulation layer
        The collection of charge carriers injected close to the Si Si02 interface of p on n silicon strip sensors was investigated using a red laser TCT setup. The sensors were investigated non-irradiated and after 1 MGy 12 keV photon irradiation. The relation between charge collection and accumulation layer was studied as well as the dependence on humidity and biasing history. A model of charge collection and charge carrier losses at the interface was developed. Results will be presented and discussed.
        Speaker: Thomas Poehlsen (University of Hamburg)
      • 15:20
        Coffee break
      • 23
        Lorentz angle measurements on irradiated strip sensors
        Lorentz angle measurements on mixed-irradiated mini strip-sensors have been performed as part of the CMS HPK Campaign. Up to now, the study covers 320µm and 200µm thick n- and p-bulk floatzone sensors at a magnetic field of up to 8T at different temperatures and after two annealing steps. In addition to that, proton irradiated magnetic-czochralski and floatzone n-on-p sensors produced by Micron were examined. This talk gives an overview of the obtained results.
        Speaker: Andreas Nuernberg (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 24
        Measurements of highly irradiated ATLAS n+-in-n planar pixel sensors with unirradiated readout electronics
        ATLAS plans two major upgrades of its pixel detector on the path to HLLHC: First, the insertion of a 4th pixel layer (Insertable B-Layer, IBL) is currently being prepared for 2013. This will enable the ATLAS tracker to cope with an increase of LHC's peak luminosity to about 3E34 cm^-2 s^-1 which requires a radiation hardness of the sensors of up to 5E15 n_eq cm^-2. Towards the end of this decade, a full replacement of the inner tracker is foreseen to cope with luminosities of up to 10E35 cm^-2 s^-1 at HLLHC. Here, the innermost pixel layer will have to withstand a radiation damage of 2E16 n_eq cm^-2. The general challenge in studying highly irradiated pixel sensors is that usually the permanent connection of sensor and readout electronics by bump bonding has to be done before irradiation as the flipchipping is often a high temperature step which would deteriorate the sensor's properties vastly. On the other side operating highly irradiated readout electronics can be difficult and also raises the question whether the gained data is completely reliable. Therefore it is desirable to crosscheck these results with unirradiated readout electronics. We have irradiated sensors in Karlsruhe with low energy protons up to a fluence of 1.4E16 n_eq cm^-2 and had them flipchipped afterwards to the unirradiated readout electronics FE-I3 using indium stubs. This is possible as indium thermo compression is done at a relatively low temperature which is not harmful to the irradiated sensor. Data from lab characterization as well as testbeam measurements at CERN SPS will be presented and a comparison to results gained with wholly irradiated assemblies given.
        Speaker: Mr Andre Rummler (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
      • 25
        Summary of measurements after first irradiation of HPK samples for CMS
        The aim of the CMS-HPK-campaign is to find a new sensor material for the HL-LHC Upgrade of the CMS-tracker. Different test structures and sensors were implemented on a variety of silicon materials by HPK, Japan. The first planned irradiation step (protons 3*10^14neq/cm2 and neutrons 4*10^14neq/cm2) was done and the results concerning dark current, effective doping concentration and CCE will be presented.
        Speaker: Joachim Erfle (Hamburg University (DE))
      • 26
        Development of radiation-hard active sensors in 180 nm HV CMOS technology
        While CMOS processes are cost-efficient and commercially available, they have not yet been used to produce radiation-hard sensors. So-called HV CMOS processes combine a slightly higher resistivity p-type substrate with deep n-wells and allow the combination of a drift-based electron-collecting sensor with active cuircit components while keeping a fill factor of 100%. Achievable depletion depths are in the order of 10-20 um. The presentation will introduce the concept, present preliminary results obtained with first test chips and outline the planned submission of a combined active strip/pixel sensor chip.
        Speaker: Daniel Muenstermann (CERN)
      • 27
        Edgeless detectors with CTS: the 1st year successful operation in TOTEM
        The approach for edgeless detectors with current terminating structure (CTS) has been developed in collaboration between PTI and TOTEM in 2006. The idea was proved in several successful beam tests and then realized in the design of edgeless detectors for the Roman Pots TOTEM stations. 400 detectors have been processed in the consortium “Silicon detector laboratory” in Russia. The first year stable detectors operation on the LHC beam confirms the expectations and is discussed with a consideration of recent results on the edgeless detectors physics.
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Eremin (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 28
        Annealing Studies with Irradiated p-Type Strip sensors
        A number of miniature strip detectors were irradiated to HL-LHC fluences, and then subjected to annealing in different batches at different temperatures. Using a 90Sr beta-source and the ALIBAVA system, signal measurements where performed on these detectors for a number of bias voltages. The measurements were repeated with increasing annealing time in order to study the time evolution.
        Speakers: Adrian Driewer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE)), Ulrich Parzefall (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 29
        Speaker: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
    • 19:00
      Collaboration Dinner Auberge de Bajole (74350 Copponex FR)

      Auberge de Bajole

      74350 Copponex FR

    • New Structures 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Building 503-1-001
      Show room on map
      Convener: Ulrich Parzefall (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 30
        Characterization of CNM FE-I4 3D Double-Sided Sensors
        The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost part of the ATLAS tracking system and is critical for track and vertex reconstruction. In order to preserve the tracking performance in the face of the increasing instantaneous luminosity delivered by the LHC, ATLAS plans to introduce a new pixel layer (IBL) mounted directly on a reduced diameter beam pipe. To cope with the high data rate at a radius of ~33mm a new readout chip (FE-I4) has been designed. Furthermore the IBL will have to sustain an estimated radiation dose, including safety factors, of 5E15 neq/cm2. Two sensor technologies are currently being considered for the IBL, the planar n-on-n slim edge and the 3D double sided designs. Results of the characterisation and irradiation of CNM 3D double sided FE-I4 pixel devices will be presented.
        Speaker: Mr Ali Harb (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), Barcelona)
      • 31
        Testbeam results of CNM 3D FE-I4 devices
        Data analysis results for CNM 3D FE-I4 devices from June and September IBL testbeams at CERN.
        Speaker: Shota Tsiskaridze (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
      • 32
        Progress on the Low Resistance Strip Sensors Project
        AC-coupled silicon strip sensors can get damaged in case of a beam loss due to the possibility of a large charge accumulation in the bulk, developing very high voltages across the coupling capacitors which can destroy them. Punch-through structures are currently used to avoid this problem helping to evacuate the accumulated charge as large voltages are developing. Nevertheless, previous experiments, performed with laser pulses, have shown that these structures can become ineffective in relatively long strips. The large value of the implant resistance can effectively isolate the “far” end of the strip from the PT structure leading to large voltages. The project aims to fabricate low-resistance strips by means of the deposition of a conducting material in contact with the implants, assuring the effectiveness of the PT structures.
        Speaker: Dr Miguel Ullan Comes (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
      • 10:00
        Coffee break
      • 33
        Characterization of the new Stripixel detectors
        The Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) of Barcelona in collaboration with the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) of New York have developed a new design and technology for the novel prototypes generation of stripixel detectors, 2D position sensitive detectors manufactured using a true single-sided processing. The new device is a dual-column 3D detector in which the p+ and n+ columns are arranged in squared active area in a quincunx pattern (with the p+ columns as the central elements) . Double metal layer technology has been used to allow a projective X-Y read out with the use of two different multichannel chips. The new prototypes have been characterized with the use of Transient Current Technique measurements performed with different laser of different wavelength. Charge Collection Efficiency and detection sensibility have been measured with the use of a radioactive 90Sr source. Two-dimensional position sensitivity has been tested using a collimated laser set up and the ALIBAVA readout system. The experimental results will be presented.
        Speaker: Ms Daniela Bassignana (IMB-CNM, CSIC)
      • 34
        Progress with 2D microstrip detectors with polysilicon electrodes
        to be completed
        Speaker: Ivan Vila Alvarez (Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
      • 35
        First results from the online radiation dose monitoring system in ATLAS
        Online radiation monitoring system measures ionizing dose in SiO2, fluences of 1-MeV(Si) equivalent neutrons and fluences of thermal neutrons at several locations in ATLAS detector. In this contribution measurements collected during two years of ATLAS data taking will be presented and compared to predictions from FLUKA simulation.
        Speaker: Igor Mandić (Jožef Stefan Institute)
      • 36
      • 12:00
    • Special Session on Radiation Damage in LHC Silicon Detectors 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Building 503-1-001
      Show room on map
      • 37
        Speaker: Stephen Gibson (CERN)
      • 38
        Measurements of rad damage at Tevatron
        Speaker: Michelle Stancari (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 39
        measurements of radiation damage in the CMS Pixel detector with the first few invers femptobarns
        Studies of radiation damage to the CMS Pixel Detector during LHC running are presented. Leakage current and depletion voltage are monitored with increasing fluence. Methods for addressing the challenges of these measurements in the context of ongoing detector operations are discussed. These include the derivation of depletion voltage from hit efficiencies, the measurement of silicon temperature and extrapolation of current as a function thereof, and determination of the total fluence from LHC luminosity. The results allow for validation of existing radiation damage models of radiation damage and an improved understanding of the anticipated lifetime of the Pixel Detector.
        Speakers: Seth Zenz (Princeton University (US)), Tilman Rohe (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
      • 40
        Radiation Damage in the CMS Strips Tracker
        In this talk I give an overview of the radiation damage the strips tracker has suffered so far. These results are compared to the established model predictions. Finally an outlook is given for the future evolution of the detector properties within the next ten years.
        Speaker: Christian Barth (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 41
        Measurement of rad damage in ATLAS pixels
        Speaker: Markus Keil (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
      • 42
        Measurement of rad damage in ATLAS strips
        Speaker: steve mcmahon
      • 16:00
        Coffee break
      • 43
        Measurement of rad damage of LHCb silicon
        Speaker: Dr Chris Parkes (Glasgow)
      • 44
        Summary of RD50 results
        Speaker: Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 45
        Speaker: Stephen Gibson (CERN)
      • 17:40