21–23 Sept 2011
CBPF - Rio de Janeiro
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Invited Speakers

    Gilvan Alves - CBPF/CMS Collaboration

    Valentina Avati - CERN/TOTEM Collaboration

    Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati - UFRGS

    Christophe Royon - CEA-Saclay/ATLAS Collaboration

    Edivaldo Santos - UFRJ/AUGER Collaboration

    Rainer Schiker - University of Heidelberg/ALICE Collaboration

  • Talks

    Gilvan Alves - Diffraction at CMS

    Valentina Avati - First results from the TOTEM experiment at the LHC

    Paulo Beggio - An eikonal approach for inelastic pp/ppbar collisions

    Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati - Diffraction at HERA, Tevatron and LHC

    Daniel Fagundes - Elastic differential cross section at 7 TeV and dynamical gluon mass model predictions

    Erasmo Ferreira - Tomography of pp and ppbar scattering

    Emerson Luna - Absorptive effects at LHC: the triple-Pomeron vertex scenarios

    Magno Machado - Exclusive production of exotic mesons at the LHC

    Marcos Rodriguez - Exotic quark production at LHC in the minimal supersymmetric 3-3-1 model

    Christophe Royon - Anomalous coupling between photon and W/Z boson and the AFP project

    Edivaldo Santos - Latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

    Werner Sauter - Extra dimensions searches in central exclusive production

    Rainer Schiker - Central diffraction in ALICE

  • Posters

    Paulo Silva - Analytical parametrization for total cross sections