TH Heavy Ion Coffee

Ab initio simulations of atomic nuclei: State-of-the-art and future challenges

by Alexander Tichai (TU Darmstadt)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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Over the last 20 years the ab initio description of atomic nuclei has been significantly extended throughout the nuclear chart to heavier and more exotic systems. This success is predominantly due to i) novel many-body techniques and ii) modern nuclear forces derived from chiral effective field theory. In the first part of my talk, I will discuss the current state-of-the-art in ab initio nuclear structure and highlight some of the future grand challenges.

In the second part I will present new ideas for solving the nuclear many-body problem from first principles. I will introduce tensor-network states as an innovative way to address strongly correlated systems. In particular, the so-called density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach offers a novel way to target structurally complex systems. Moreover, I will introduce quantum information theory as a toolbox to dissect many-body correlations that allows us to revisit the nuclear phenomenology through the notion of quantum entanglement.

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Giuliano Giacalone, Govert Hugo Nijs, Joao Lourenco Henriques Barata, AVC support account, Enrico Speranza, Urs Wiedemann, Wilke Van Der Schee
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