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Institute of Physics: Nuclear and Particle physics divisional conference 2007

University of Surrey, Guildford

University of Surrey, Guildford

This is the webpage of the IoP Nuclear and Particle physics division meeting, held at the University of Surrey on April 2-5 2007. All talks are listed in the session links here.
  • Tuesday 3 April
    • PLENARY Session 1: Plenary Session 1 MS01


      Convener: Prof. Jim Al-Khalili (University of Surrey)
      • 1
        Speaker: Prof. John Turner
      • 2
        Developments in particle accelerators
        Speaker: Prof. Ken Peach
      • 3
        The multinational facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR)
        Speaker: Prof. Hans Gutbrod
    • Parallel 1: QCD 1 1.28 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      1.28 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 4
        Direct extraction of QCD Lambda MSbar from Moments of DIS structure functions
        Speaker: Paul Brooks (Durham)
      • 5
        Gluon Saturation in the Colour Dipole Model
        Speaker: Graham Shaw (Manchester)
      • 6
        Gaps between Jets in the High Energy Limit
        Speaker: Albrecht Kyrieleis (Manchester)
      • 7
        Exclusive Double Diffraction at the Tevatron and LHC
        Speaker: James Monk (Manchester)
      • 8
        The underlying event in jet physics at TeV colliders
        Speaker: Arthur Moraes (Glasgow)
      • 9
        Jet Energy Scale Issues at D0
        Speaker: Lydia Lobo (Imperial)
    • Parallel 2: Detector R&D 1 Room 2.31, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Room 2.31, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 10
        Speaker: Lara Howlett (Sheffield)
      • 11
        Scintillating Fibre Tracker for MICE
        Speaker: Malcolm Ellis (Imperial)
      • 12
        The MINOS calibration system
        Speaker: Philip Symes (Sussex)
      • 13
        A Laser-Wire for the Linear Collider
        Speaker: Nicolas Delerue (Oxford)
      • 14
        Charge Transfer Inefficiency Studies for Future CCD Vertex Detector
        Speaker: James Walder (Lancaster)
      • 15
        The CMS tracker front end readout electronics
        Speaker: James Leaver (Imperial)
    • Parallel 3: Dark Matter / Higgs Room 1.29, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Room 1.29, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 16
        The DRIFT Dark Matter Experiment
        Speaker: Jennie Davies (Sheffield)
      • 17
        Search for Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at D0
        Speaker: Tim Scanlon (Imperial)
      • 18
        Higgs searches at CMS
        Speaker: Rob Frazier (Bristol)
      • 19
        Invisible Higgs at the CMS detector
        Speaker: Simon Metson (Bristol)
      • 20
        Studying a Light Higgs Boson in ATLAS
        Speaker: Scott McGarvie (RHUL)
      • 21
        Jet Clustering Effects in the tth, h to bb channel at ATLAS
        Speaker: Christian Shaw (Glasgow)
    • PLENARY: His Dark Materials Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 22
        The Dark Side of the Universe: An Astrophysical Perspective
        Speaker: Joe Silk (Oxford)
      • 23
        Can particle physics shed light on the dark secrets of the universe?
        Speaker: John Ellis (CERN)
    • Parallel 4: Flavour Physics 1 Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 24
        B0 to pi0pi0 and the CKM angle alpha
        Speaker: Carlos Chavez (Liverpool)
      • 25
        The decay B- to D0 K* and the CKM angle gamma in BABAR
        Speaker: Paul Jackson (RHUL)
      • 26
        Dalitz Plot analysis of B+ to K+K+K- at BABAR
        Speaker: Matthew Barrett (Birmingham)
      • 27
        Amplitude analysis of B+ to K+pi+pi- at BABAR
        Speaker: Tom Latham (Warwick)
      • 28
        B+ to K+K-pi+ at BABAR
        Speaker: James Burke (Bristol)
      • 29
        Radiative Penguin Decays at BABAR
        Speaker: Debbie Bard (Edinburgh)
      • 30
        Branching Fraction measurement of D_s+ to K+pi0 at BABAR
        Speaker: Michael Nikolich (Imperial)
    • Parallel 5: Electroweak 1.29 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      1.29 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 31
        W/Z cross-sections at the Tevatron
        Speaker: Paul Telford (Manchester)
      • 32
        Measurement of the W + nJet cross-section at CDF
        Speaker: Ben Cooper (UCL)
      • 33
        W charge asymmetry with Run II data at CDF
        Speaker: Cigdem Issever (Oxford)
      • 34
        WW scattering at ATLAS
        Speaker: Sarah Allwood (Manchester)
      • 35
        Search for dimuon events with the H1 detector at HERA
        Speaker: Aweys Mohamed (Liverpool)
      • 36
        Tau to pi pi0 nu_tau at BABAR
        Speaker: Mitchell Naisbit (Manchester)
    • Parallel 6: QCD 2 Physics 1.28, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Physics 1.28, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 37
        Strange Particle Production at Zeus
        Speaker: Andrew Cottrell (Oxford)
      • 38
        Quark-Gluon Plasma and Baryogenesis
        Speaker: Dmitri Grigoriev (Maynooth)
      • 39
        Heavy Ion Physics at the NA57 experiment at CERN
        Speaker: Paul Bacon (Birmingham)
      • 40
        Search for excited quark production at H1
        Speaker: Andy Rimmer (Liverpool)
      • 41
        First results on Beauty production using HERA II data at ZEUS
        Speaker: Silvia Miglioranzi (UCL)
      • 42
        The ATLAS B Physics Programme
        Speaker: James Catmore (Lancaster)
      • 43
        Determining the Gluon PDF at HERA
        Speaker: Christopher Targett-Adams (UCL)
    • Parallel 7: Detector R&D 2 Physics 2.31, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Physics 2.31, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 44
        The LHCb Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors
        Speaker: James Storey (Cambridge)
      • 45
        LHCb RICH mirror optics
        Speaker: Alex Muir (Bristol)
      • 46
        Pixel Hybrid Photon Detectors for the RICH Detectors at LHCb
        Speaker: Laura Somerville (Oxford)
      • 47
        An overview of the LHCb RICH1 Magnetic Shielding Design
        Speaker: Richard Plackett (Imperial)
      • 48
        Research towards a possible upgrade of the LHCb Vertex Locator
        Speaker: Alison Bates (Glasgow)
  • Wednesday 4 April
    • PLENARY: Reviews of Current Experimental Results Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 49
        Electroweak Physics
        Speaker: Martin Grunewald (UCD)
      • 50
        B physics
        Speaker: Francesca di Lodovico (QMUL)
      • 51
        Exotic exotics
        Speaker: Tracey Pratt (Liverpool)
    • Parallel 10: QCD3 & Detector R&D 3 2.31 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      2.31 Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 52
        Pentaquarks from Lattice QCD
        Speaker: Keisuke Jimmy Juge (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 53
        Photon Calibration of the CMS ECAL
        Speaker: Maiko Takahashi (Imperial)
      • 54
        Analysis of a File Catalogue for the LHC Computing Grid
        Speaker: Caitriana Nicholson (Glasgow)
      • 55
        Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for use as Radiation Hard Detectors
        Speaker: James Grant (Glasgow)
      • 56
        Gallium Nitride UV Detectors for Synchrotron-based protein structure studies
        Speaker: Andrew Blue (Glasgow)
    • Parallel 8: Flavour Physics 2 1.29, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      1.29, Physics, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 57
        Light cone distribution amplitude, B-physics, QCD
        Speaker: Angelique Talbot (IPPP Durham)
      • 58
        Opposite Side Flavor Tagging at D0
        Speaker: Philip Lewis (Imperial College)
      • 59
        Inclusive Vub measurements in BABAR
        Speaker: Roberto Sacco (QMUL)
      • 60
        B_s physics at CDF
        Speaker: Sinead Farrington (Liverpool)
      • 61
        Branching Fraction and Time Dependent Analysis of B0 to rho Kshort
        Speaker: Ian Forster (Liverpool)
      • 62
        Measurement of the mass of B_c
        Speaker: Peter Bussey (Glasgow)
    • Parallel 9: New Physics 1.28 Physics , UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      1.28 Physics , UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 63
        Search for crypto-exotic states in BABAR
        Speaker: Daniel Sherwood (Brunel)
      • 64
        Searches for the Theta(1540)+ strange pentaquark candidate in BABAR
        Speaker: Jon Coleman (Liverpool)
      • 65
        Neutrino masses in lepton number violating MSSM
        Speaker: Steven Rimmer (Durham)
      • 66
        Searches for new physics in high mass at CDF and ATLAS
        Speaker: Muge Karagoz Unel (Oxford)
      • 67
        Search for associated chargino-neutralino production in three-lepton events at CDF
        Speaker: Martin Griffiths (Liverpool)
      • 68
        Searching for Gluino-Gluino bound states at ATLAS
        Speaker: Anne Small (Lancaster)
    • IOP AGM Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 69
        Welcome & introduction
      • 70
        Chairperson's report
      • 71
        Secretary's report
      • 72
        Elections (see newsletter item)
      • 73
        Other business
    • PLENARY: From Here to There Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      Science Theatre A, UCD, Dublin, Ireland

      • 74
        Current and Future Neutrino Physics
        Speaker: Yoshi Uchida (Imperial)
      • 75
        QCD: From Tevatron to LHC
        Speaker: James Stirling (IPPP, Durham)