- Irradiation stations in the BDF target complex are being considered for parasitic material and electronics irradiation (in BHFIM1/2) together with activation analysis (in BIAS, BEAS, BRIS).
- FLUKA model of BDF in TCC8 has been used in order to evaluate the particles spectra (particularly neutrons) in the different irradiation stations. The model is being upated following the changes proposed to increase the physics reach of SHiP, which remains the driving motive of the changes. Particulary relevant for the irradiation statios are:
- Target design from baseline (TZM + W) to a full tungsten design. Full tungsten target will be cooled with He. Water was used as cooling for CDS design.
- Shortening of the hadron absorber downstream of the target, together with possible change in shielding is being studied.
- Following nTOF experience presented by Alberto, a moderator (10 cm think moderator was chosen in the case of nToF) can be placed inside the vacuum vessel of the target complex aiming to module the neutrons and to obtain spectra more suitable and appealing for activation analysis. Additionaly, filters could be placed along the activation hole to reach the desired spectra.
- Relevant aspects needed for the study of moderators are:
- Some "frozen" target designs. At the moment, CDS design is the reference, but full tungsten target (with dimension still to be fixed) improves physcis reach of SHiP.
- Target review meeting at the start of March.
- Maximum feasible dimension for moderator integrated between target's He vessel and proximity shielding.
- Action: J-L to provide relevant input
- Compositon of the material (particularly concrete) in the proximity of the irradiation stations
- J-L comment: Local changes in the shielding can be implemented to meet irradiation station need
- Action: Giuseppe to check material composition used in FLUKA and to check with Radiation Protection
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