Meeting WP4

The purpose of the meeting will be to revise together the section on the DR and TLs for the Feasibilty Study report and to discuss about the status of the different design study on the DR. 
    • 1
      Status of FCC_ee Injector WP4 Feasibility study document
      Speakers: Catia Milardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)), Catia Milardi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 2
      DR 10B Lattice [Catia]
      Speaker: Catia Milardi
    • 3
      DR 6BA Lattice [Antonio]
      Speaker: Antonio De Santis
    • 4
      DR design status [Ozgur]
      Speaker: Ozgur Etisken (Ankara University (TR))
    • 5
      Transfer Lines and Energy compressor
      Speaker: Simone Spampinati