The workshop is based on Lectures, Tutorials and Personal and group work.
Lectures are given in the morning. They consist of 1h lecture = 50ʼ + 10 mins questions/
discussions. A total of 20 lectures will be given:
4 Lectures on “QCD basics for accurate LHC Physics” by Fabio Maltoni
6 Lectures on “Jet physics: from algorithms to Jetography” by Matteo Cacciari
5 Lectures on “Towards Automatic NLO computations: MadLoop and MadFKS” by Rikkert Frederix
5 Lectures on “Interfacing NLO computations with parton showers” by Paolo Torrielli
Tutorials are given in the early afternoons in modules of two hours. One of the lecturers
will guide students through the use of tools and their understanding. Problems and
exercises will be given.
Personal and group work:-
In these two-hour sessions students working alone or preferably in small group address
the questions and problems given during the tutorials. Discussions are welcome. Lectures
and advanced PhD students assist and lead discussions and answer to specific questions.
Day Schedule
Mornings :
9:00 2 lectures
11:00 break
11:30 2 lectures
13:30 lunch
15:00 -> 17:00 tutorials
17:00 -> 17:30 break
17:30 -> 19:30 personal work on assignments and discussions