Software Required for Tutorials in the Workshop
Prepared by Matteo Cacciari, Fabio Maltoni, Rikkert Frederix and Paolo Torrielli
(Alternative website: )
Plan A
The software for the Workshop tutorials will be provided pre-installed in the form of a virtual machine based on Scientific Linux 5.6.
In order to install it, follow the following instructions.
- Install VirtualBox from
- Download our virtual machine SL56.ova (NB. ~1 GB file) and run it inside your VirtualBox
Plan B
Should unexpected problems arise with the virtual machine preparation, you will need to install yourself the packages needed for the tutorials on your computer (this is, in any case, a useful exercise).
- A full working cc/c++/fortran/make development environment will be needed. At least basic working knowledge of these languages is assumed for the tutorials.
In addition, please download and install the following software (note that pre-compiled packages for your architecture may exist for some of these items), if they are not already available on your computer.
- MadGraph 5 (NB. Needs Python > v2.6)
- madfks
- MCFM 6.1 (source download)
- MC@NLO 4 (source download)
- FastJet v3.0.1 (source download, manual) (Boost2010 tools and event files by G. Salam)
- LHAPDF with at least one PDF set (e.g. CTEQ6.6)
- Pythia 8.1 (source download)
- Gnuplot
- ROOT [may not be needed, unless you wish to use it yourself]