The school is organized under the umbrella of the LHC Heavy Flavour Working Group. It provides a five day course of training in the physics and tools of relevance to the flavour programme of the LHC. The purpose is to provide a general overview of the immense physics potential of the LHC experiments in the area of flavour physics, with a focus on charm and beauty hadrons. The lectures are addressed to senior graduate students and young postdocs who are already working on flavour, or plan to engage in flavour measurements at the LHC. They will cover fundamental elements of theory, as well as tutorials on tools, statistics and analysis techniques specific to flavour physics.
We anticipate a maximum number of participants around 50.
Application deadline: March 25. All applications will be reviewed at that point, relying in particular on the statement of interest that applicants must provide in their application form. The applicants will be informed before the end of March whether they have been accepted or not. No school fees will be charged to the participant.
The agenda is under development, and will be posted in due time.
Note that several rooms have been pre-booked at the CERN Hostel. They will be available, after acceptance to the School, on a first-come/first-served basis until April 25. Please check the "accommodation" item in the left-side menu for details.
- Glenn D. Cowan (Royal Holloway, U. of London): Statistics for data analysis
- Simon Kuberski (CERN): Introduction to Lattice QCD
- Alexander Lenz (Universität Siegen): Flavour Physics
- Marie-Hélène Schune (IJCLab): Flavour measurements at $e^{+}e^-$ colliders
- Javier Virto (Universitat de Barcelona ICCUB): Effective Field Theories for flavour physics
- Guy Wilkinson (Oxford U.): Flavour measurements at $pp$ colliders
Hands-on sessions:
- Theory: Méril Reboud (IJCLab), Peter Stangl (CERN)
- Experiment: Sara Celani (Heidelberg U.), Giulia Frau (Manchester U.)