Wi-fi Connection

Wi-fi Connection


Wi-fi Connection

Once you arrive at CERN connect your device to the "CERN Visitors" Wi-Fi (Internet-only access) or use the Eduroam network with your host institution credentials (a page of agreement on the CERN rules will be proposed you at the first connection). 

In order to register your laptop you need to provide a smart phone number and your email address. You will then receive an access code via SMS and/or via mail. If you do not receive the access code, please contact Elena Gianolio (see below).

General remarks

- Please read the CERN Computing rules and regulations.
- Unfortunately, due to computer security protocols at CERN, it will not be possible to provide you with an account to log in.
- Laptop registration will be granted only to registered participants. 
- If you need to use a printer you have to use the command mail2print. You can also consult this page for details and list of available printers.


For any computer issues, please contact Elena Gianolio (Bldg. 4/2-014, tel. +41 22 767 4751).