Town Meeting 2025: Preparation of the 2027-2036 Strategic Roadmap
As input for the preparation of the roadmap, a community survey took place beginning of this year. A briefing book including all Astroparticle Physics topics from the survey will be prepared by the APPEC Scientific Advisory Committee and released this summer, stay tuned!
During the APPEC Town Meeting, we will further discuss each of these topics with respect to the European and international context, and the new developments in Astroparticle Physics and in the neighbouring fields that will shape the strategic recommendations of the next roadmap.
This event includes plenary talks as well as round table discussions for each topic, to ensure a large participation of the community to shaping the future of Astroparticle Physics strategic orientations.
The discussions at this Town Meeting will serve as input for the European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2027-2036.
Organizing Committee