Mickey Chiu
(Brookhaven National Lab)
One of the fundamental goals of the PHENIX experiment is to understand the structure of cold nuclear matter, since this serves as the initial state for heavy-ion collisions. Knowing the initial state is vital for interpreting measurements from heavy-ion collisions. Moreover, the structure of the cold nucleus by itself is interesting since it is a test-bed for our understanding of QCD. In particular there is the possibility of novel QCD effects such as gluon saturation at low-x in the nucleus. At RHIC we can probe the structure of cold nuclear matter using d+Au collisions. We will present measurements of forward di-hadron correlations and inclusive J/Psi production, which seem to show some interesting effects in the cold nucleus, especially as one probes down to Bjorken x of about $10^{-3}$ in the Au nucleus.
Mickey Chiu
(Brookhaven National Lab)