Vincent Sulkosky
Jefferson Lab experiment E06-010 measured the target-single spin (SSA)
and double spin asymmetries (DSA) in semi-inclusive deep inelastic pion electroproduction on a transversely polarized He-3 target. The
measured asymmetry (A_UT) is sensitive to the nucleon transversity and
Sivers distribution functions, whereas the measured A_LT asymmetry is
related to the transverse momentum dependent PDF g_1T. The kinematics were chosen to be in the valence quark region with x ~ 0.16-0.35 and
Q^2 ~ 1.4-2.7 GeV^2. The Collins moment, which is sensitive to
transversity, the Sivers and A_LT moments, which are sensitive to the
orbital motion of the quarks, were extracted using the azimuthal
angular dependence of the measured asymmetries. These data, when
combined with the data from other experiments on transversely
polarized proton and deuteron targets, will help in extracting the
nucleon transverse momentum dependent distribution functions via a
global analysis. These semi-inclusive results will be presented and
discussed along with the preliminary results for the inclusive single
spin asymmetries.
Vincent Sulkosky