26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

BSM searches through heavy flavours at BaBar

29 Mar 2012, 11:54
Lecture Hall 1, Physics Institute (University of Bonn)

Lecture Hall 1, Physics Institute

University of Bonn

Electroweak and searches/heavy flavours Combined: Electroweak and searches/heavy flavours


Dr Marco Bomben (LPNHE - Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR) & CNRS)


Merged abstract: "Searches for new physics in CP-violation at BABAR" "Lepton-number and lepton-flavor violation in B decays at BABAR"


Dr Marco Bomben (LPNHE - Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR) & CNRS)

Presentation materials