26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

New approach to QCD factorization

Not scheduled
Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall (University of Bonn)

Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall

University of Bonn

Kreuzbergweg 28, 53115 Bonn, Germany,
Structure functions


Boris Ermolaev (IFMO Inst. of Fine Mechanics and Optics)


Abstract: We show that both the $k_T$- and collinear factorization for DIS structure functions can be obtained by consecutive reductions of the more general factorization of the Compton scattering amplitude. Each of these reductions an approximation valid under certain assumptions. In particular, the transitions to the $k_T$- factorization is possible when the virtualities of the partons connecting the perturbative and non-perturbative blobs are originated by the transverse momenta. Then, if the unintegrated parton distributions in $k_T$-factorization have a sharp maximum in $k_{\perp}$, the $k_T$ factorization can be reduced to the collinear factorization. Our analysis makes possible to predict a general form for the fits for parton distributions in $k_T$- factorization. Besides, we exclude the use of the singular factors $x^{-a}$ (with $a > 0$) in the fits representing the initial quark and gluon distributions contributing to the DIS structure functions in the framework of both $k_T-$ and collinear factorizations.


Boris Ermolaev (IFMO Inst. of Fine Mechanics and Optics)

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