Clara Salas
(IFT, Madrid)
The proton structure function F_2 is studied in the low x regime using BFKL evolution instead of the usual DGLAP approach,
suited for large values of the DIS x variable. The NLL analysis requires the inclusion of running coupling effects which lead to
off-diagonal terms in the BFKL kernel that need to be treated carefully. We also introduce an all-orders resummation that improves
the collinear behavior of the NLL BFKL result. This study is presented emphasizing the theoretical uncertainties that appear throughout
the analysis and a comparison with the combined HERA data is given.
Agustin Sabio Vera
Clara Salas
(IFT, Madrid)
Grigorios Chachamis
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
Martin Hentschinski
(Autonoma University Madrid/CSIC)