26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

Inclusive particle production

28 Mar 2012, 13:50
Small Lecture Hall, Mathematical Institute (University of Bonn)

Small Lecture Hall, Mathematical Institute

University of Bonn

Hadronic final states Hadronic final states


Markward Britsch (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))


Due to its unique pseudorapidity coverage and the possibility of providing measurements at low transverse momenta, the LHCb detector allows unique insight into particle production in the forward region at the LHC. The latest LHCb soft-QCD results, the measurements of charged particle multiplicity at 7 TeV and the measurement of the p/p, K-/K+, π-/π+, (p+p)/(π-+π+), (K-+K+)/( π-+π+ ) production ratios at 0.9 TeV and 7 TeV will be presented. These results offer an important input to the understanding of baryon transport and of the hadronisation process in a kinematical range where QCD models have large uncertainties.


Markward Britsch (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))

Presentation materials