26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

An update and comparison of global NPDF analyses

27 Mar 2012, 14:45
Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall (University of Bonn)

Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall

University of Bonn

Kreuzbergweg 28, 53115 Bonn, Germany,
Structure functions Structure functions


Karol Kovarik (University of Karlsruhe)


A global NPDF analysis of the combined charged-lepton DIS, DY and neutrino DIS data finds a tension between the nuclear correction factors in nA DIS and ℓA DIS. We explore possible sources of this tension by comparing the input PDFs used by different nuclear global fitting groups, and also compute ratios of experimental observables which (largely) minimize any theoretical bias. We also show comparisons with recent nPDF determinations. This work helps to isolate the sources of possible tensions in the extracted nuclear corrections.


Karol Kovarik (University of Karlsruhe)


Prof. Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University) Ingo Schienbein (Universite Joseph Fourier) Dr Ji Young Yu (LPSC) Jorge G. Morfin (Fermilab) Joseph Owens (Florida State University) Tzvetalina Stavreva (LPSC)

Presentation materials