Matthew Lamont
The STAR experiment is one of the flagship experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion
Collider at Brookhaven Lab. Since starting to take data at the turn of the century, STAR’s
large acceptance and measurement capabilities have proved to be vital in terms of
characterising the QGP soup produced in heavy-ion collisions and heading towards a
measurement of the proton spin in polarised p+p collisions. This has only been achieved
through the constant upgrade and enhancement of detectors and components every year,
one of many examples being the recordable DAQ rate increasing by a factor of 10^3 since
the first year.
Although many measurements have been performed in the last decade, much remains to
be done. In this presentation I will outline the proposed measurements and corresponding
detector upgrades over the next decade in p+p, p+A and A+A physics as well as STAR’s
role in the transition of RHIC to an eRHIC accelerator complex.
Matthew Lamont