26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

Charm production in DIS using inclusive secondary vertices and extraction of F2cc

28 Mar 2012, 10:48
Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall (University of Bonn)

Wolfgang Paul Lecture Hall

University of Bonn

Kreuzbergweg 28, 53115 Bonn, Germany,
Heavy flavours/structure functions Combined: Heavy flavours/structure functions


Vladislav Libov (DESY)


Charm production in deep inelastic scattering has been measured with the ZEUS detector using the full HERA II data set. The charm content in events with a jet has been extracted using the decay length significance and invariant mass of secondary vertices. Differential cross sections as a function of Q2, Bjoerken x, ET(jet) and eta(jet) were measured and compared to theoretical predictions. The open charm contribution to the proton structure function F2 was extracted from double differential cross sections.


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