26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

Searches for new physics in the top sector at the Tevatron

29 Mar 2012, 10:12
Lecture Hall 1, Physics Institute (University of Bonn)

Lecture Hall 1, Physics Institute

University of Bonn

Electroweak and searches/heavy flavours Combined: Electroweak and searches/heavy flavours


Yvonne Peters


The kinematic properties of the data used for the measurement of the top-antitop quark pair production and of the single top quark production cross sections are used to set constraints on a variety of signals of physics beyond the SM. We set constraints on possible 4th generation top quarks, on possible resonances that would decay into top-antitop quark pairs, on possible resonances that would decay in top and bottom quark pairs. We also set constraints on possible anomalous couplings at the Wtb vertices. Finally we set limits on possible t-->uZ, cZ decays by studying final states with three charged leptons.


Dr Marco Verzocchi (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Yvonne Peters

Presentation materials